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A 9 day retreat in a beautiful, secluded setting

Earthsong's Harvest Camp is a 9 day retreat in a private, natural setting, working with beautiful music and teachings from around the world. It is space where we can explore our innate spirit of playful wildness and gentle sensitivity. In order to stay true to the intentions of the camp there are certain boundraries we put in place:

Earthsong is a retreat space;  this means that once camp starts on Saturday there are no more arrivals after that. We ask ticket-holders to commit to go on this 'journey' together by staying for the duration of the retreat. This means avoiding outside visits and departures before Sunday. This allows us to deepen our connection with the people around us and get the most out of the retreat. 

Creating a Safe Space; We have a strict no drugs, no alcohol and no late night noise policy. 

For more information on the ways in which we aim to create a safe space at Earthsong click HERE


To view an example of the Adult Program Click HERE



“I really liked that the teens were included in the general circles and participated far more in the adult program, but still had their space and workshops that was relevant to them. Made for a far more relaxed and integrated camp.”

“These camps are a very important part of my life. In the low points of my year I think of the camps and the memory of them gives me hope and inspiration. Keep up the great work.”

“Earthsong is just such an important 3 weeks in our lives. Such a life-enhancing experience, wonderful new friendships each year. We had a fantastic circle of old friends and fellow campers and new people. Everything was very harmonious and we got on so well.”

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